My pictures 🙂

In my Technology and Innovation in Education class we have been given the task to further investigate a topic we are curious or passionate about. The purpose of this project is to create a learning plan where we collect online resources, document the process and reflect on our journey of learning through technology.

At a young age my sister taught me the importance of being mindful and how it can positively benefit our mental state and the environment around us. We live in a world where stressful situations, rushing and multitasking comes natural to us which takes time away from what our body needs the most, time to sit with our own thoughts and to live in the present moment. As adults we understand the benefits of slowing down and focusing strictly on one task, and I feel that we need to share and teach these beautiful practices to young students’ early on. Doing so will allow them to carry this practice with them throughout their lives and get to experience the life benefits of mindfulness.  

For my free inquiry project, I will be implementing a new mindfulness practice into my routine every week, with the intention of getting some useful strategies that I can one day use in my future classroom.

I am very excited to document the process of this journey and share my findings with all of you!