What is a digital portfolio? 

A digital portfolio is a platform that allows you to keep track of everything you have accomplished right in the palm of your hand. In addition, SeeSaw is an online tool (desktop browser or App) that allows you to collect digitized artifacts of student’s work as well as create and store student’s individual portfolios.  

How can digital portfolios be used in the classroom? 

A digital portfolio can be used in the classroom in many ways.  

Some examples being: 

  • To keep in touch / keep parents in the loop with their child’s learning / progress. 
  • Keeping track digitally with assessments (videos, pictures). 
  • Getting students comfortable using technology – asking them to upload their own work to their individual profiles.  
  • Keeps track of the student’s videos, pictures, drawings, voice recordings or documents. 

Experience with SeeSaw: 

Personally, when I was in school, we did not have the luxury of digital portfolios such as Seesaw, everything was in a hard copy (paper). However, since I have been working in the school system, I have seen more of these platforms but did not have the chance to dive in and see the ins and outs until our last tech class where we did get to learn all about it.  

Using SeeSaw in my future classroom: 

I will 100% be utilizing this app in my future classroom as I can see the many benefits of using it. This platform allows you to… 

 – Connect with students and their parents in a matter of seconds. 

– Allows for quick sharing (real time) of student’s progress / assignments. 

– You control who sees what (no other people can see the students work besides the designated parent). 

– Allows for formal and informal assessments.  

-Free resource for teachers, parents and students.

– You have control over approving the comments, work the students send in as well as who gets to be a part of the “digital class portfolio”. 

– Easy way to access students previous work when it comes to report cards / assessments (gets rid of the hassle of paper – hauling all the students work from school to home). 

You can have students explain their learning through video or voice recordings which you can refer to later on when needed. 

Learn more about SeeSaw:


Tutorial For Students: