My Experience with…

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

I have had social media since I was about thirteen years old. Throughout these twelve years of using social media, I have added new ones to my list and have slowly weaned others out. Social media is constantly changing and as I get older, I tend to lean towards the ones that benefit me most, such as Facebook (keeping in touch with relatives), Instagram (sharing my personal life) and Pinterest (finding new crafts, recipes and life tips). With all the new apps coming out such as TikTok I find myself getting overwhelmed and feeling that I should be adventuring out and seeing what the new social media apps have to offer, but after discussing with my classmates I feel that I am not on my own with this fear. As a future teacher I feel it is important that we know we do not need to be on every single platform knowing the ins and outs of them, but knowing what ones provide us resources and can help benefit our professional profiles is something we should utilize.  

I feel that I am comfortable with the social media platforms I am currently using, have a good understanding of the algorithms and am excited to adventure into the world of sharing my findings, experiences and ideas on a professional profile.  

My professional Pinterest Account: @futureteachermstank

1 Comment

  1. Kimberly Yuill

    Great thoughts Morgan! I share many of your feelings about social media. I, too, have often felt pressured to join another the newest and coolest social media platform but find myself hesitant to add another platform to my list of things “to do.” I, also, look forward to learning more about how we can incorporate these platforms into my professional life without creating more “work” for myself.

    I think this was a great first post. I imagine that as we learn more about this platform, we will both make our posts more engaging through the use of videos, personal stories, music, and whatever else is available. I look forward to walking this journey with you.

    <3 Kim

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