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This week for my mindfulness project I chose to write five different things I am grateful for every day. This seems like a simple task but when you sit with yourself and really dig down and think it can become a very meaningful task that could be implemented into your everyday routine. For example there are days where I can write a million things I am grateful for and others it takes some digging, therefore I feel that in order to really get something out of this practice it needs to be done for many days, so you can catch yourself on the days that you feel like your world is crashing down and realize that in reality there is always something you can be grateful for! 

In addition, I feel that this mindfulness practice could easily be implemented into any classroom at any grade level. Thinking about things or a thing you are grateful for does not take a lot of preparation or time. You can do it in any environment (classroom, outside), you can give options of writing the grateful list in journals or simply just saying what you are grateful for out loud / to a partner OR just allowing them to think about it and having no pressure to share out loud. It has the same effect and teaches the same lesson of slowing down and realizing that there are so many things to be grateful for, even when it does not feel like it.