How do you feel about reading?

My relationship with reading has changed drastically throughout the years. When I was little I really struggled with reading, had troubles understanding what was going on in the book and sounding out the words by myself. However, I did really enjoy when someone else would read to me or if there was pictures presented as I was able to better comprehend what was going because I could just sit and listen and really look at the pictures. Even though I struggled with reading when I was younger, as I have matured and developed better reading comprehension through practice and repetition I have found a new found love for reading. You can get so lost in a book, learn so much about different topics and it is a form of relaxation for me.

What types of books do you like to read?

My top three favourite book genres to read are non-fiction historical / true events (specifically war topics), self-help books (e.g., “101 essays that will change the way you think” by Brianna Wiest) and lastly, children’s literature but only when reading to younger cousins or students.

List some hobbies and things you like to do outside of school.

  • Hanging out with family and friends (fills my cup! <3 )
  • Going to barre / spin / yoga classes (especially barre as I danced for 12 years).
  • Hiking / being outside.
  • Going out and trying new places to eat (love trying new food).
  • Cooking.
  • Watching movies.
  • Doing little day trips to different towns.

Who are your favourite authors?

  • J.K. Rowling
  • Roberta Munch
  • Dr. Seuss
  • Shel Silverstein
  • Robin Wall Kimmerer
  • Brianna Wiest

Tell me a bit about the last book you read that you really enjoyed

Over the winter break my sister came home and we were going through all of our boxes of stuff from when we were younger and amongst everything we came across all our childhood books. We were reading and looking through a bunch of them, but the one I really enjoyed reading was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (we have a lot of his books). I really enjoyed reading it again as it was nostalgic for me and my sister as we remembered having it read to us when we were younger. Also, it was enjoyable to read because of all the different messages and conversation starters this book has in it. I could see myself bringing this book into the classroom one day, as I would love to hear students perspectives on it and what they learnt from the book or what they think is one (all) of the main messages.

Tell me a bit about what you have been doing since last semester during your winter break. How have you been spending your time?

I relaxed and tried very hard to not think about school! I really took the winter break to focus on myself and prioritize spending time with my love ones and giving them my full undivided attention. I also did a lot of baking, adventuring outside, watched many Christmas movies (Elf will always be my all time fav), ate lots of delicious food, focused on my physical and mental health and just really soaked in the free time I had. Now, back to reality!

What subjects or topics do you like learning about?

I love love love learning about science, especially environmental biology and chemistry. I just think it is so fascinating how everything works and is connected. Plus, science has helped me be more aware of my actions and the steps I can personally take to make sure I am contributing towards a better and healthier environment.

If you could read a book about one thing, what would that be?

Hmm good question… so hard to choose as I find enjoyment in reading about historical events as well as ways to better myself! I just cannot choose… so either of those (very different) topics.