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Mindfulness Meditation

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

So, my first mindfulness practice is in the books, and to say it went well would be an understatement. For this week I chose to do a lead mindfulness meditation from a website called insight timer it is completely free and has an array of different types of meditations. I chose to do this meditation three days in a row to see if it continued to benefit me, and it did!  

It usually takes everything in me to sit still for longer than 10 minutes straight, but there was something so calming about this meditation that just sent me straight into a world of pure relaxation, resulting in me losing track of time. Having found such comfort in this meditation I could see myself implementing this practice as well as other meditations into my weekly routine, to help me disconnect myself from some of life’s stressors, so I can reconnect and bring myself back to a mindful state! In addition, I could also see myself in the future using guided meditations in my classroom to help bring relaxation to my student’s everyday busy lifestyles. I have found many different children meditations on insight timer and have listened to them myself; I could see them positively benefiting my future students!  

The mindfulness meditation I used for this week: 

I would like to invite you to give this meditation a try and would love to hear your feedback on it!

Free Inquiry Project: Mindfulness

My pictures 🙂

In my Technology and Innovation in Education class we have been given the task to further investigate a topic we are curious or passionate about. The purpose of this project is to create a learning plan where we collect online resources, document the process and reflect on our journey of learning through technology.

At a young age my sister taught me the importance of being mindful and how it can positively benefit our mental state and the environment around us. We live in a world where stressful situations, rushing and multitasking comes natural to us which takes time away from what our body needs the most, time to sit with our own thoughts and to live in the present moment. As adults we understand the benefits of slowing down and focusing strictly on one task, and I feel that we need to share and teach these beautiful practices to young students’ early on. Doing so will allow them to carry this practice with them throughout their lives and get to experience the life benefits of mindfulness.  

For my free inquiry project, I will be implementing a new mindfulness practice into my routine every week, with the intention of getting some useful strategies that I can one day use in my future classroom.

I am very excited to document the process of this journey and share my findings with all of you! 

My Experience with…

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

I have had social media since I was about thirteen years old. Throughout these twelve years of using social media, I have added new ones to my list and have slowly weaned others out. Social media is constantly changing and as I get older, I tend to lean towards the ones that benefit me most, such as Facebook (keeping in touch with relatives), Instagram (sharing my personal life) and Pinterest (finding new crafts, recipes and life tips). With all the new apps coming out such as TikTok I find myself getting overwhelmed and feeling that I should be adventuring out and seeing what the new social media apps have to offer, but after discussing with my classmates I feel that I am not on my own with this fear. As a future teacher I feel it is important that we know we do not need to be on every single platform knowing the ins and outs of them, but knowing what ones provide us resources and can help benefit our professional profiles is something we should utilize.  

I feel that I am comfortable with the social media platforms I am currently using, have a good understanding of the algorithms and am excited to adventure into the world of sharing my findings, experiences and ideas on a professional profile.  

My professional Pinterest Account: @futureteachermstank

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